Parenting After Loss
A Brother to Remember
By: Amy Lied Raising little, living siblings of an older brother who isn’t here is complicated. We have always been very open with our girls about their older brother, Asher, who died before they were born. They know of him and his place within our family. One time while having a dance party, my daughter…
Read MoreDear Caroline
Sweet Caroline Claire, you were named for Joy and Light, the very same gifts you brought to our lives.
Read MoreWe Are Missing It All
By: Sabrina Ivy We are missing it all. And tonight it hurts like hell. Baby loss isn’t something that just happened at one tragic day in our lives years ago. It is something that we carry with us as we endure each and every day and special occasion that comes and goes without our daughter…
Read MoreTo Ask For And Receive The Courage Of No Quick Fixes
By: Justine Froelker I am a 41-year-old woman who doesn’t have kids, the most common question I get everywhere I go? “How many kids do you have?” Because I am a speaker of the unspoken, my response is always, “We tried really hard to have kids, lost three babies, and work hard to find other…
Read MoreUnimaginable: Life After Baby Loss
By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth This is an excerpt from a recently-published book by Sharing Magazine contributor Brooke D. Taylor. Unimaginable: Life After Baby Loss is now available on Amazon. It tells the story of surviving the death of her first daughter, navigating the complexities of life after pregnancy loss, and discovering that grief can somehow…
Read MoreBaggage Claim
Coping with grief through a pandemic, finding strength and support during a time of social distancing.
Read MoreGrief
By: Amy Lied Grief is now a lifelong companion for me. Over the course of the four years that I have been living with grief, it has evolved. Now, I can breathe easier, the grief more in the background with the occasional really heavy day. During those initial days after the loss of my son,…
Read MoreLined Pathways: how we found our way through the grief of recurrent miscarriage
By: Autumn Purdy “No matter what, you and I are a family,” said my husband, Matt after we suffered another miscarriage. An addendum to our marriage vows, my husband’s promise would bind us together for years to come and gave me hope not all would be lost, and perhaps, we would survive the devastation together.…
Read MoreGrief, Hope, and YOGA
By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth Before my daughter died, I didn’t understand that grief was a physical sensation. I knew what it meant to “feel sad,” but I had never grieved like this before. This was a whole-body experience. This was a constant headache, chronic tension from clenching my teeth and tightening my jaw. My body…
Read MoreGrieving together …. and apart
Carrying hope and the love for my baby into the New Year.
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