Shattering the Silence

By: Autumn Purdy On a brisk, sunny morning recently, I drove my daughter to her socially distanced ballet performance of “The Nutcracker”. This year will be different than all other years: masks on, dancing within a taped-off box, no parents or audience, and instead of enjoying a matinee showing of the annual Christmas spectacular at…

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Gifts of the Holiday season

By: Robyn Busekrus The holidays are here and they bring an assortment of emotions. The holiday songs, decorations and gifts to buy usher in the season.  For myself, the holiday season starts at the end of September. Fall is in gear and Halloween is approaching. October is the month we lost our son Hope.  Fall…

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Thankful For The Unexpected

By: Kayla Leibner The holidays are a time that I find myself especially compelled to reflect on the things for which I am most thankful.  Before our life-changing losses, these reflections usually included things like family, friends, and faith. While I am still grateful for these things (and so much more) each day, it is…

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Everyday Memories

By: Casey Zenner When you lose a child the way you do life completely changes. You begin searching for anything and everything you can that reminds you of your baby. The physical signs, and tangible objects that you can squeeze which gives you that chance to feel closer to your child. For me, its butterflies…

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Speak The Unspeakable

By: Kayla Leibner In all walks of life, it’s important to be able to tell your story.  The elements of our story help shape us into the people we become.  We get to influence some of the plot and choose some of the characters in our life, but other times we can’t control what or…

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