Embracing the Journey from Broken to Rejoicing

By: Kayla Leibner Have you ever felt pressured on your grief journey – by your feelings or by the words of others? There are some things that have been said to me repeatedly over the last few years – more frequently at the beginning of my life as a bereaved parent and only on occasion…

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Rest for Your Soul

By: Kayla Leibner Life can be exhausting.  Some seasons just seem to never stop moving.  I am in a season of my life in which there is always something that needs to be done – laundry, dishes, cleaning, meal planning, school, bills, groceries, errands… the list could go on and on.  I often have a…

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Staying Connected to Your Baby

During the times that I am missing my boy, I put on his playlist and feel close to him, while usually having a good cry alone in my car, as well.

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Forgotten Fathers

Remember that father’s grieve like mothers do. Remember that Father’s Day is not easy for them.

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Snapshots in the Making

By: Nikki Grayson Let’s be honest, the job of a nurse is not all that glamorous. But in the beginning, Ithought it would be. My thoughts were centered on one thing: helping patients. Not only did itnot turn out to be a dazzling profession, but it was downright hard to become a nurse. Late nightsstudying,…

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How Many?

By: Kayla Leibner Who am I? I am a Christian.  I am a mother. I am a wife.  I am a daughter. I am a sister.  I am a friend. I am more things, but these are the identities that are most important to me.  First and foremost, my identity is in Christ.  However, since…

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Footprints On My Heart

By: Nikki Grayson Angel Wings and a baby hat; black and white photographs and a little blue blanket; nurses to cry with and a doctor to share your fears with. It was one year ago on a Monday morning when I walked through the double doors of the OB floor. As I followed the nurse…

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Why Is Mommy Crying?

A children’s book explaining early pregnancy loss to young children By: Cori Baill, MD As an OB/GYN, a mother of two and now as a new children’s picture book author, I am deeply appreciative of this opportunity to write for Sharing Magazine. We as women know that grief shared is grief lessened. Yet in American…

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Kindness is Good for the Soul

By: Rose Carlson Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ~Anne Herbert It is quite possible that one simple little sentence scrawled on a paper placemat in a restaurant in Sausalito, CA in the early 1980s, sparked the concept of “paying it forward.” Random Acts of Kindness, or RAKs, such as paying for coffee…

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Seasons of Love

By: Nikki Grayson The deep green and blue ocean waters rise and fall before me. The deep blue horizon looks to be a million miles away. Sand wedges between my toes and the warmth of the air envelopes me. As I search for hidden sand dollars, my eyes are set on the tan sandy beach,…

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