The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…

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The Old Me Died When My Baby Died

By: Lindsey Dell As human beings, I believe that we all go through stages of life. I believe that some of them are pretty standard for everyone (puberty, adulthood, etc.). I also believe that there are many things that happen to us in life that change the stage that we’re in. It changes the way…

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Hope in Hard Times

By: Anna Waters I hung up the phone and my mind registered shock. “The baby is gone,” I said to myself. “What will I do now?” I asked God. “Trust Me,” He replied. It was my last attempt at pregnancy and a very unusual circumstance, indeed. I knew that I was too old to try…

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The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…

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Two Years Later

Life after loss can be hard. But it is OK to continue to grieve, to be sad, and to be happy again.

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My Baby Matters

By: Rachel Helden My baby matters. Or in my case, and perhaps yours too, my babies matter. My story, I havehad three miscarriages, two in the past year and one long ago. Lately I’ve been experiencing anger unlike any I’ve experienced before, with the exception ofwhen I got divorced and my dad passed away, a…

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Bereaved Mother’s Day

By: Amy Lied The Sunday before Mother’s Day. A day you never heard of until you joined this terrible club. It’s a day set assigned to honor the mothers who are living without their child/ren. It’s a day with which I have a love/hate relationship. I love the fact that we get our own day,…

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