Whatever It Takes

By: Lindsey Dell I love the band Imagine Dragons. They have a song called “Whatever it Takes,” which I’m certain was written about something far different than managing grief but for a long time after the loss of our baby, I felt like it was my theme song. (Actually, if we’re being really honest, my…

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It’s Ok

By: Lindsey Dell To you. The mother and father sitting at home, binge watching Netflix because you don’t feel like celebrating the holidays this year. It’s ok. To you. The parents of an angel baby who put on a brave face every day when they go out into the world but are secretly dying inside.…

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Holiday Hodge Podge

By: Lindsey Dell Holidays… Am I Right?? That time of year when families are getting together and celebrating, exchanging gifts, reminiscing about happy times of years past. The time of year when people are constantly reminding you to be thankful and grateful for everything you have. Maybe you have one of those families that likes…

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The Truth Is…

By: Lindsey Dell I’ve been feeling very uninspired lately. But the truth is, I’m tired. Too tired to even type an article (pathetic, I know). Some might say that’s a good thing, that I don’t have anything to write about. But the truth is, sometimes I think that maybe I’ve just felt all my feelings…

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By: Lindsey Dell I have a confession. I’m an addict. Reality tv. You name it…I probably watch it. The trashier the better. I’m sure there’s a whole psychological reason behind why I love trashy television so much, but I don’t really care. It makes me feel better about myself and that’s good enough a reason…

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Get Your (Toxic) Positivity Out Of Here

By: Lindsey Dell Ok, ok, ok. I know that sounds rude, but just hear me out, ok? We all have that one friend, coworker, family member, mentor, what-have-you that always wants you to “look on the bright side.” You know exactly who I mean. The “glass is always full” person. And honestly, we all need…

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A Life Without Children: When Plans Change

By: Lindsey Dell I’ve struggled lately. It’s no secret (well, maybe it is but I feel like I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so my face usually says it long before my mouth does). Holidays can be a wonderful and joyful time of year. It can also be very sad and painful (not to…

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The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…

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The Old Me Died When My Baby Died

By: Lindsey Dell As human beings, I believe that we all go through stages of life. I believe that some of them are pretty standard for everyone (puberty, adulthood, etc.). I also believe that there are many things that happen to us in life that change the stage that we’re in. It changes the way…

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The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…

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