The Lyrics That Help To Tell My Story

By: Ann-Marie Ferry I love words. They are like food for my soul. A good phrase can capture a thought like a snapshot and then paint it in vivid color. Soon after the loss of my son, when friends and family did not know what to say and when the thoughts in my head were…

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Staying Connected to Your Baby

During the times that I am missing my boy, I put on his playlist and feel close to him, while usually having a good cry alone in my car, as well.

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My Baby Matters

By: Rachel Helden My baby matters. Or in my case, and perhaps yours too, my babies matter. My story, I havehad three miscarriages, two in the past year and one long ago. Lately I’ve been experiencing anger unlike any I’ve experienced before, with the exception ofwhen I got divorced and my dad passed away, a…

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Forgotten Fathers

Remember that father’s grieve like mothers do. Remember that Father’s Day is not easy for them.

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Snapshots in the Making

By: Nikki Grayson Let’s be honest, the job of a nurse is not all that glamorous. But in the beginning, Ithought it would be. My thoughts were centered on one thing: helping patients. Not only did itnot turn out to be a dazzling profession, but it was downright hard to become a nurse. Late nightsstudying,…

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The Pain of Forward Motion: When Memories Fade

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Sitting cross legged on the warm summer ground I comb my fingers through the damp grass. Every so often I grasp at it as if I am grasping for growing hair. A short time has passed since Kuyper’s burial, yet the patch of earth over his grave has grown in thick, making…

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How Many?

By: Kayla Leibner Who am I? I am a Christian.  I am a mother. I am a wife.  I am a daughter. I am a sister.  I am a friend. I am more things, but these are the identities that are most important to me.  First and foremost, my identity is in Christ.  However, since…

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A Warrior of Hope

By: Amy Lied We all see the pregnancy test commercials.  The ones where the couple is sitting there together anxiously waiting for the test to be positive.  After a few uneasy moments, they look at the test and, of course, it’s positive! I know some companies have gotten better at showing the other side of…

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How Showing Empathy Can Help You Support Others

By: Elizabeth Lowder When a friend or loved one has experienced a loss like a miscarriage, failed IVF or even a negative pregnancy test, we want to do something to help. To take the pain and sadness away and to help them feel better. Common responses couples hear when they’re going through infertility might be…

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The Perspective of a Labor Nurse

By: Jennifer Kouri RN, CPLC “You are a labor & delivery nurse? You are SO lucky! That has to be the happiest unit in the hospital!” Working as a labor nurse for 20 years I have heard these phrases many times from people when they ask what I do for a living. Yes, it truly…

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