
By: Amy Lied Grief is now a lifelong companion for me.  Over the course of the four years that I have been living with grief, it has evolved. Now, I can breathe easier, the grief more in the background with the occasional really heavy day. During those initial days after the loss of my son,…

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The Gift of Perspective

By: Sharon Schumack I recently read a magazine article about aging constructively that asked its readers the following questions: What were some of the most challenging experiences in your life? How did you get through them? What pushed you forward? I didn’t have to think very hard. The answers popped into my head immediately. The…

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Facing Grief Together

By: Ann-Marie Ferry In the days following Kuyper’s stillbirth I grieved visibly through tears and sobs. My husband, Jon, remained stoic, emotionally detached from the reality which we faced. We went on this way for several weeks following delivery. After a long day at work, he walked through our front door, outraged, talking about a…

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For Harmony

By: Rachel Helden This is my first time writing to you since you left this world only a few short weeks ago. How can it be? The excitement so fresh before me, before us, and now you are gone. Really gone. I spent days convincing myself that surely what doctors told us had happened to…

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Gifts of the Holiday season

By: Robyn Busekrus The holidays are here and they bring an assortment of emotions. The holiday songs, decorations and gifts to buy usher in the season.  For myself, the holiday season starts at the end of September. Fall is in gear and Halloween is approaching. October is the month we lost our son Hope.  Fall…

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Thanksgiving Onesies

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Brilliant sunbeams awaken my eyes. It is a beautiful May day and I have a mission. The night before I scoured the local papers and the internet for garage sale’s advertising baby cloths. Coffee and cash in hand I charge (waddle) out the front door and into my petite Ford Focus.  My…

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Everyday Memories

By: Casey Zenner When you lose a child the way you do life completely changes. You begin searching for anything and everything you can that reminds you of your baby. The physical signs, and tangible objects that you can squeeze which gives you that chance to feel closer to your child. For me, its butterflies…

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