Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy loss’
Dear Bereaved Parent:
By: Robyn Busekrus I wish this weren’t your reality. Losing a child is something we should not have to experience. If I had a magic wand, I would wish for a different reality for myself and for you. Something unexpected happened and it is trying. Acceptance is understanding that what we have experienced is not…
Read MoreOne Step At A Time
By: Robyn Busekrus One of my favorite things to do is to sit outside at night and watch the sun go down. Sometimes the deer run through our woods and the birds perch on the feeders. When I think of the purpose in the serenity of the woods, it’s to reflect on the simple things:…
Read MoreGrowing in Grief
By: Robyn Busekrus Gardening is one of my hobbies that I enjoy. This year, my garden hasn’t been as productive as in previous years. The drought and heat have hindered our garden’s growth. When planning our garden, I think of the best produce to grow. I have learned through experience of which items grow with…
Read MoreThe Seasons of Grief
By: Robyn Busekrus Spring is a time of new beginnings. Seeing the flowers bloom at this time of year brings joy.The anticipation of the colors unfolding ushers a sense of excitement. Seasons bring changesin the weather and in our surroundings. Grief also brings changes in the seasons in our lives. There are two seasons of…
Read MoreHonoring Your Child During The Holidays
The holidays can be difficult to celebrate when grieving. Finding ways to honor your baby can help bring you peace and comfort.
Read MoreThe Perspective of a Labor Nurse
By: Jennifer Kouri RN, CPLC “You are a labor & delivery nurse? You are SO lucky! That has to be the happiest unit in the hospital!” Working as a labor nurse for 20 years I have heard these phrases many times from people when they ask what I do for a living. Yes, it truly…
Read MoreKindness is Good for the Soul
By: Rose Carlson Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ~Anne Herbert It is quite possible that one simple little sentence scrawled on a paper placemat in a restaurant in Sausalito, CA in the early 1980s, sparked the concept of “paying it forward.” Random Acts of Kindness, or RAKs, such as paying for coffee…
Read MoreMilestones
By: Rebecca Stockwell A close friend had a baby a few weeks before my son was born. We live a few hours from each other, so I wasn’t around for most of her milestones. When she was seven months old, we were invited to her baptism and to spend the night at her house. We don’t…
Read MoreSeasons of Love
By: Nikki Grayson The deep green and blue ocean waters rise and fall before me. The deep blue horizon looks to be a million miles away. Sand wedges between my toes and the warmth of the air envelopes me. As I search for hidden sand dollars, my eyes are set on the tan sandy beach,…
Read MoreDad’s Arms Are Empty Too
By: Nikki Grayson Swollen eyes, pink tinged cheeks, and a steady stream of tears. Dark circles under the eyes, a solemn face, and forced words of strength. The definition of a newly bereaved mom and a newly bereaved dad. Yet we both are experiencing the same hurt and shared grief, the expectations are so different…
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