This is another example of a post type. You can create News posts in the WordPress backend by checking the "News" category. This post gallery will automatically filter whichever category you choose, in this case, it filters the News category.

She is Still a Part of Our Family

By Patti Budnik | July 23, 2024

By: Marie Kriedman In the immediate days following the miscarriage of our daughter, my husband and I were in a minefield of grief.  We were in shock, still trying to understand how our life had taken such a turn, and we felt deeply overwhelmed. We needed a breather from caring for our children, so we stepped outside for a quick break.  The weather matched our mood.  The sky was black, and a storm was blowing in quickly.  And amazingly, unfathomably, there was one solitary pink cloud…

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Let’s Stop Saying “At Least”

By brown | March 1, 2020

By: Amy Lied When someone you love dies, it seems to be fairly customary to express your sympathies followed by some platitude to attempt to…

Work In Process: Healing After the Loss of My Baby

By brown | February 24, 2020

By: Robyn Busekrus The phrase, “Work in Progress,” has been one that I have heard frequently quoted.  Work in process I like better, since healing…

Identity Shift

By brown | February 20, 2020

By: Rebecca Stockwell My loss came, as many do, out of the blue. I went for a routine ultrasound and found out my son had…

Be Kind To Yourself

By Patti Budnik | February 13, 2020

By: Keisha Wells “Be kind to yourself.” This was one of the first words of encouragement I received from a fellow angel mom. The first…

Where I Am Today

By brown | February 6, 2020

By: Kayla Leibner My life story begins thirty-one years ago, but my life-changing story began just two and a half years ago in August of…

Loss, Love and the Will to Keep Fighting

By brown | February 4, 2020

By: Nikki Grayson We say it all the time, “I love you” or “I love that.” I wonder how many times a day we express…

Three Years

By brown | January 30, 2020

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child…

Journaling Is For Everyone

By brown | January 21, 2020

By: Crystal Webster Everyone knows they should journal. We’ve heard it a hundred times. Having a tough time processing your feelings? Journal. Have to make…

Grief Counseling: a Guide on Your Healing Journey

By Patti Budnik | January 9, 2020

By: Kelly Karavousanos Carrie entered counseling after she had experienced the stillbirth of her daughter, Kaylee. Carrie was married and had three other children under…

The Piano

By brown | January 7, 2020

By: Amy Lied Growing up, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple who were a bit like surrogate grandparents to my brother and me. …