Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Except when your baby has died. Then, it can be the most awful time of the year. By: Rose Carlson As everyone around you goes about their joyful business of shopping and baking and shouting, “Happy Holidays!” or “Merry Christmas!” to everyone they meet, it can seem to you as if there is nothing wonderful…

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Grief and Joy

By: Karen Hart Grief came suddenly to me And she took me by the hand Day by day I walked and walked  Till I could no longer stand  Each day flowed into the next And it seemed they’d never change My heart felt forever broken  And I thought it would so remain  One day as…

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Holidays are Hard

The holidays will always be hard. They will also be joyful. They will be both and that is okay.

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True Friendship

Being seen. Being loved. Mourning with those who mourn. Rejoicing with those who rejoice. Understanding like a true friend.

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