
By: Rebecca Stockwell A close friend had a baby a few weeks before my son was born. We live a few hours from each other, so I wasn’t around for most of her milestones. When she was seven months old, we were invited to her baptism and to spend the night at her house. We don’t…

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Seasons of Love

By: Nikki Grayson The deep green and blue ocean waters rise and fall before me. The deep blue horizon looks to be a million miles away. Sand wedges between my toes and the warmth of the air envelopes me. As I search for hidden sand dollars, my eyes are set on the tan sandy beach,…

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Dad’s Arms Are Empty Too

By: Nikki Grayson Swollen eyes, pink tinged cheeks, and a steady stream of tears. Dark circles under the eyes, a solemn face, and forced words of strength. The definition of a newly bereaved mom and a newly bereaved dad. Yet we both are experiencing the same hurt and shared grief, the expectations are so different…

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Back to Normal

By: Ann-Marie Ferry When normal seems on its way And tears have now ceased When all the thoughts in my head  Have settled in a calm place  The flood gates open  Destroying my glimpse of peace When my mosaic heart is crumbling  And I can’t take a breath  When tears start in my throat  Burning…

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Choosing Sunshine This Mother’s Day

By: Nikki Grayson Hello there, Beautiful Momma, I write this to you as I’m sitting in the warm sunshine, blue skies, and bright green grass. Flowers are starting to bloom, and the leaves are starting to bud. It’s that time of the year again; Spring. A season that brings many showers of rain, but also…

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April 2020 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Emily Claire Bambenek                                                 I would like to donate each month in honor of my daughter born still on June 21,…

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The Lonely Journeys of Infertility and Quarantine

By: Stephanie Dunlap Infertility at any time can be a long, lonely journey. Being under quarantine can be a long, lonely journey. For many of us, at the beginning of the quarantine, there was a lot of unknown. Unknown about what all of this will look like, what our days will be like, how our…

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I am One in 8.

By: Chasity Marquette One in 8. That is just a statistic not unlike any other you see for diseases and conditions affecting Americans today. Until it isn’t. You never think it’s going to be you. I always knew I struggled with female issues (PCOS, Endometriosis, and painful cycles) that only worsened after my less than…

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Books To Comfort Your Heart: A Quarantine Reading List

Losing a baby can be a lonely, isolating experience, and unless one has known someone who had such a loss, it is easy to feel as if no one understands what you are experiencing. For those who are grieving the death of their baby, the right books can help you process the loss. Different types…

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