Sharing Your Truth

By: Amy Lied “When are you going to have kids?” “Do you have any other children?” “(Sees I have twin daughters) Going to try for a boy next?” These questions are extremely personal and, yet, asked on a regular basis, usually by complete strangers.  I’ve heard them all and more throughout my journey to start a…

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Talking About Grief and Loss is Uncomfortable.

By: Robyn Busekrus Sometimes friends and family don’t have the words to bring comfort.  When I think of grief, I think of sadness and pain. We all like to share the highlights in our lives.  Social media shows the highlight reel of our experiences. Those experiences are important to share. However, life isn’t sunshine and…

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Blessings, Little One

By: Sheri Little Evans Little One, I guess this is “goodbye.” You were more than a dream…more than a prayerful hope, you were reality for us. We had many dreams for you…for us as a family.  I doubt we’ll even see you to really say “goodbye.”  So, let this special poem go with you on…

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Speaking About Our Children

By: Codi N. October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day but unless you are a part of this community you may never know this day exists; I know I didn’t before I lost my son last year. We live in a world where pregnancy and infants are idolized but once the unthinkable happens…

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Speak Your Truth

By: Justine Froelker I get one at least once a week. A message that reads something like:  “I know I have a story that can help people, but… How did you do it? You’re so brave.” I am not braver than you. My story isn’t easier or harder than yours. I am not more talented…

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Dare To Remember

By: Shannon Duke Why would you want to remember, Remember all the pain?  Are you sure you want to remember the heartache That took your dreams away? Do you really want to relive such a difficult season in life? For in that moment, time surely stopped and the world wasn’t right. But, you know that…

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October Has Never Been The Same

By: Robyn Busekrus It is difficult for me to look forward to October.  At one time, fall was my favorite season. The cooler weather, hoodies, cozy blankets, bonfires and pumpkins were some of aspects of fall I loved.  Now, October is bittersweet. I still have some enjoyment of the fall season, but it is hard…

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Why Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month is Important to Me

By: Crystal Webster Let’s be honest, national holidays are all over the map these days. There’s National American Cheese Month {October}, National Train your Dog Month {January}, and National Novel Writing Month {November}…just to name a few. There’s a national holiday for just about everything out there. I’m sure if I looked hard enough, I…

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When I Learned About Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness

By: Amy Lied Prior to 2016, I never knew that October was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.  I never saw it on my social media.  I never knew anyone who lost a pregnancy and openly shared their experience.  But then in May of 2016, I had a missed miscarriage.   I had started my…

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By: Silvia Bowman Before I tell you how I was finally able to get to this peaceful and quiet “place” I call “acceptance,” I need to provide a little background:    Since the tragic loss of my precious baby girl in 2007, I have been on a ride no mother ever wants to embark on.…

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