A Life Without Children: When Plans Change

By: Lindsey Dell I’ve struggled lately. It’s no secret (well, maybe it is but I feel like I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so my face usually says it long before my mouth does). Holidays can be a wonderful and joyful time of year. It can also be very sad and painful (not to…

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By: Autumn Purdy “… I find sweet peace in depths of autumn woods, Where grow the ragged ferns and roughened moss; The naked, silent trees have taught me this,— The loss of beauty is not always loss!” From “November” by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard I awaken from a vivid, haunting dream and remorsefully remember: She’d be…

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The Hardest Part

By: Artis Granville The hardest part is everything. Everything hurts the same. If I had to choose what hurts the most my dear, it’s you not being here for me to call you by name. For now, when I call your name my child it is in remembrance of you, For I refuse to let…

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New Holiday Traditions

By: Kendra Salgado My life is so much more different now than I ever expected, and the holidays are no exception. After finding out I was pregnant in May of last year and subsequently being pregnant the holidays the rest of the year, I never thought I would have to experience them without my son,…

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Coping with Miscarriage

By: Sierra Dean After I miscarried, my first thought was, “How long will I be sad?” The answer: as long as you need. Everyone’s experience with miscarriage is different and valid. I’ve experienced several miscarriages, but each one took a certain toll on me, whether emotionally or physically. You have a right to your feelings.…

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The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…

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In the Blink of an Eye

By: Artis Granville I squirmed in the salon chair endlessly. “What’s wrong son?” I asked as I gently rub my tummy. I was now 22 weeks and 6 days along in my pregnancy. I was expecting a baby boy. “Are you hungry?” The stylist asked. “No, my baby is uncomfortable today.” I replied. It took…

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The Old Me Died When My Baby Died

By: Lindsey Dell As human beings, I believe that we all go through stages of life. I believe that some of them are pretty standard for everyone (puberty, adulthood, etc.). I also believe that there are many things that happen to us in life that change the stage that we’re in. It changes the way…

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