Life After Loss
A Life Without Children: When Plans Change
By: Lindsey Dell I’ve struggled lately. It’s no secret (well, maybe it is but I feel like I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so my face usually says it long before my mouth does). Holidays can be a wonderful and joyful time of year. It can also be very sad and painful (not to…
Read MoreThe Love Doesn’t Stop
Treasured keepsakes are an important reminder that your baby is a valued member of your family.
Read MoreYou’re Entitled to Your Opinion
Sharing your story is intended to help others and continue the story of your baby. There can be great joy with this but sadly also an exposure to unkindness and hurtful comments.
Read MoreEighteen
By: Autumn Purdy “… I find sweet peace in depths of autumn woods, Where grow the ragged ferns and roughened moss; The naked, silent trees have taught me this,— The loss of beauty is not always loss!” From “November” by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard I awaken from a vivid, haunting dream and remorsefully remember: She’d be…
Read MoreNew Holiday Traditions
By: Kendra Salgado My life is so much more different now than I ever expected, and the holidays are no exception. After finding out I was pregnant in May of last year and subsequently being pregnant the holidays the rest of the year, I never thought I would have to experience them without my son,…
Read MoreCoping with Miscarriage
By: Sierra Dean After I miscarried, my first thought was, “How long will I be sad?” The answer: as long as you need. Everyone’s experience with miscarriage is different and valid. I’ve experienced several miscarriages, but each one took a certain toll on me, whether emotionally or physically. You have a right to your feelings.…
Read MoreThe Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss
By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…
Read MoreA Walk With Grief
By: Amanda Crews Grief is catching. After five and a half years of showing up unexpectedly, it continues to do just that. I bent down to pick up the dirty laundry in the corner of our bathroom that somehow landed next to the hamper and not in it. With three children in our home, four…
Read MoreThe Old Me Died When My Baby Died
By: Lindsey Dell As human beings, I believe that we all go through stages of life. I believe that some of them are pretty standard for everyone (puberty, adulthood, etc.). I also believe that there are many things that happen to us in life that change the stage that we’re in. It changes the way…
Read MoreWhen Words Hurt
Sharing your story is intended to help others and continue the story of your baby. There can be great joy with this but sadly also an exposure to unkindness and hurtful comments.
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