Ava’s Love

By: Ashley Loehr We had a very normal, uneventful pregnancy until we found out at 20 weeks that our baby girl was not growing in the way that most babies do. We were devastated as the doctors seemed very worried and we went through a series of MFM (maternal fetal medicine) specialist appointments with two…

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Going Back to Work After a Loss

Going back to work after a loss is challenging. Often you are a imitation of your former self, making it difficult to get through the work day. The suggestions given are intended to lessen your stress and know that your are not alone.

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Two Years Later

Life after loss can be hard. But it is OK to continue to grieve, to be sad, and to be happy again.

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Five years since I had to say hello and goodbye to my firstborn child. Half a decade of living with the grief of losing my son and yet still a lifetime to go.

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Holidays are Hard

The holidays will always be hard. They will also be joyful. They will be both and that is okay.

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