The Care and Compassion of a Chaplain

By: Ann-Marie Ferry I am not sure where the thought originated from, but it popped out of my mouth and found its way into the hospital air, “Should we baptize him?” I asked.  Jon and I did not entertain the thought for long. After all, neither of us believed in Infant Baptism. Why would we…

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When Hello Means Goodbye

By: Tracy Gilmour-Nimoy, M.S., LMFT, PMH-C Over the edge of an exam table, my feet anxiously dangle; I can hear the sound from the crinkling paper as I nervously shift, my eyes desperately locked with my husband’s. A week of multiple diagnostics and appointments has led us here—in a doctor’s office three hours from home,…

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Faith in Fearful Times

By: Kayla Leibner In any given situation, moving forward can be a difficult task as everyday life presents us with struggles that have the potential to make us or break us – or both.  However, as bereaved parents, we’ve all been faced with the most difficult and painful of struggles. These sufferings likewise have the…

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Back to Normal

By: Ann-Marie Ferry When normal seems on its way And tears have now ceased When all the thoughts in my head  Have settled in a calm place  The flood gates open  Destroying my glimpse of peace When my mosaic heart is crumbling  And I can’t take a breath  When tears start in my throat  Burning…

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The Bittersweet Song of a Wren

By: Shirley Brosius The trill of a jenny wren still sends a pang of sadness through me. Many years ago, 45 to be exact, my youngest child, my only daughter, died a few hours after her birth. It was a chilly spring, and as I hung out laundry, a jenny wren sang from a tree.…

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Let’s Stop Saying “At Least”

By: Amy Lied When someone you love dies, it seems to be fairly customary to express your sympathies followed by some platitude to attempt to lessen the griever’s pain. This is where the “at-least” statements come into play. A few of my favorites after my son died were:             “I’m so sorry for your loss.”…

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Be Kind To Yourself

By: Keisha Wells “Be kind to yourself.” This was one of the first words of encouragement I received from a fellow angel mom. The first time I had ever been given this guidance. Her words were both comforting and abstract. How could I give any thought to caring for myself when facing such a crushing…

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