This is another example of a post type. You can create News posts in the WordPress backend by checking the "News" category. This post gallery will automatically filter whichever category you choose, in this case, it filters the News category.

She is Still a Part of Our Family

By Patti Budnik | July 23, 2024

By: Marie Kriedman In the immediate days following the miscarriage of our daughter, my husband and I were in a minefield of grief.  We were in shock, still trying to understand how our life had taken such a turn, and we felt deeply overwhelmed. We needed a breather from caring for our children, so we stepped outside for a quick break.  The weather matched our mood.  The sky was black, and a storm was blowing in quickly.  And amazingly, unfathomably, there was one solitary pink cloud…

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The Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss

By Patti Budnik | April 20, 2022

By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest…

Stillborn Still Loved

By Patti Budnik | April 6, 2022

By: Hailey Ricks This is an excerpt from a recently published book Stillborn Still Loved by Hailey Ricks. It tells the story of the loss…

Longing For My Twins

By Patti Budnik | April 6, 2022

I am not the same person I was before my losses. The pain is still present but not as raw.

Woven Together by Dreams that Never Could Be

By Patti Budnik | March 29, 2022

By: Amanda Crews I’ve mulled around a number of things that I could say or write to offer words of encouragement, and every time I…

Saying Goodbye to Olivia

By Patti Budnik | March 22, 2022

A Story of Loss and Hope By: Marie Kriedman I suffered a miscarriage unexpectedly at 14 weeks. My husband and I were at a complete…

Ava’s Love

By Patti Budnik | March 15, 2022

By: Ashley Loehr We had a very normal, uneventful pregnancy until we found out at 20 weeks that our baby girl was not growing in…

Folded Paper Hearts; an Epiphany

By Patti Budnik | March 15, 2022

There will be a time that you finally see or understand why your heart had to bend and fold.

Celebrating Charlie

By Patti Budnik | March 14, 2022

A large part of grieving a baby is the worry that he/she will be forgotten.

Growing Together

By Patti Budnik | March 8, 2022

There are many ups and downs while grieving your baby. Sharing this heartache and grief with your partner can bring relationship struggles, but it can also help you grow together.

Going Back to Work After a Loss

By Patti Budnik | March 8, 2022

Going back to work after a loss is challenging. Often you are a imitation of your former self, making it difficult to get through the work day. The suggestions given are intended to lessen your stress and know that your are not alone.