Early Pregnancy Loss
Hope in Hard Times
By: Anna Waters I hung up the phone and my mind registered shock. “The baby is gone,” I said to myself. “What will I do now?” I asked God. “Trust Me,” He replied. It was my last attempt at pregnancy and a very unusual circumstance, indeed. I knew that I was too old to try…
Read MoreThe Unfairness of It All: Infertility after Loss
By: Lindsey Dell Warning: what you’re about to read is very raw, real and new. Does anyone else think “Advanced Maternal Age” is the biggest farce on the planet? I mean, it’s not a farce because it’s very real, but WHY? Let me back up a little. In the spirit of transparency, I have to…
Read MoreStillborn Still Loved
By: Hailey Ricks This is an excerpt from a recently published book Stillborn Still Loved by Hailey Ricks. It tells the story of the loss of her daughter Laurelai, and the pain and loneliness that comes with baby loss. Through her words and journaling she gives the reader permission to acknowledge their grief and find…
Read MoreLonging For My Twins
I am not the same person I was before my losses. The pain is still present but not as raw.
Read MoreWoven Together by Dreams that Never Could Be
By: Amanda Crews I’ve mulled around a number of things that I could say or write to offer words of encouragement, and every time I thought I had something, it failed me. I had no words. There was a block. As I reflected in that space and tried to move the heavy load, it just…
Read MoreSaying Goodbye to Olivia
A Story of Loss and Hope By: Marie Kriedman I suffered a miscarriage unexpectedly at 14 weeks. My husband and I were at a complete loss. Setting aside my personal pain, the single hardest thing I had to do was tell our children about the miscarriage. I fumbled my words and halted and tried again,…
Read MoreFolded Paper Hearts; an Epiphany
There will be a time that you finally see or understand why your heart had to bend and fold.
Read MoreGrowing Together
There are many ups and downs while grieving your baby. Sharing this heartache and grief with your partner can bring relationship struggles, but it can also help you grow together.
Read MoreGoing Back to Work After a Loss
Going back to work after a loss is challenging. Often you are a imitation of your former self, making it difficult to get through the work day. The suggestions given are intended to lessen your stress and know that your are not alone.
Read MoreGrief Makes Us Sensitive, and That’s Okay
Grief never leaves, it becomes a livable part of our existence. It is important to find safe space to discuss your grief openly.
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