No One Really Understands What It Means To Be A Loss Mother

By: Ashley Bonebrake Fairchild Now, don’t get me wrong, I feel incredibly blessed in my life. I have my health and the health of my husband and living daughter. I love them with the fierceness of a lioness and always will. I thank my lucky stars for them every single day. No matter how bad…

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Embracing Our Realities Even in the Face of a Shared Grief

By: Tosin Popoola Introduction Among the Yoruba people of Nigeria, pregnancy and perinatal loss are understood and interpreted from the concept of ‘pot and water.’ From the Yoruba worldview, a pregnant woman is like a pot and the pregnancy she is carrying is the water. From this perspective, when Yoruba people want to communicate that…

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January and February 2020 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Anna         My daughter who died before I got to meet her – I love her and know she is resting…

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Let’s Stop Saying “At Least”

By: Amy Lied When someone you love dies, it seems to be fairly customary to express your sympathies followed by some platitude to attempt to lessen the griever’s pain. This is where the “at-least” statements come into play. A few of my favorites after my son died were:             “I’m so sorry for your loss.”…

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Work In Process: Healing After the Loss of My Baby

By: Robyn Busekrus The phrase, “Work in Progress,” has been one that I have heard frequently quoted.  Work in process I like better, since healing is a process that progresses.  When I think of where I am today, I am a healing work in process.  I don’t think I will be whole again.  However, I…

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Three Years

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child on the same day. Three years since I’ve seen his face. Three years since I’ve held his hand. Three years since my heart shattered into a million pieces. Three years…

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Journaling Is For Everyone

By: Crystal Webster Everyone knows they should journal. We’ve heard it a hundred times. Having a tough time processing your feelings? Journal. Have to make a big decision at work? Journal. Can’t decide what to have for lunch? Journal. It seems like the answer to everything is writing it down. But journaling is hard. A…

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The Piano

By: Amy Lied Growing up, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple who were a bit like surrogate grandparents to my brother and me.  They would take us out to breakfast on snow days from school and have us over to play cards all the time.  In their home, they had a piano that…

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December 2019 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: All the Little Ones                                                                             By:             Christine & Lee Rigg All who have suffered this loss                                                      By:             Ronald and Ursula Hall…

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The Gift of Simply You

By: Kristin Hendricks The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, and it is no new news that our culture and society tends to focus much attention on the gift-giving aspect of Christmas. The stress and pressure shopping for the perfect gifts accompanied by over-spending is, frankly, exhausting. There is an awkward…

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